The founder of Borresen Boatyard, one of Danish sailings great old men and pioneer Borge Borresen died quiet and peacefully in his home in Vejle Sunday morning the 4th of March 2007 in the age of 87 years. As one of the few he achieved to become a living legend as a boat builder and Dragon sailor.
He built one of the first Dragons in Denmark in 1936, 16 years old together with his brother Albert, and even though in the next 65 years to come, he both constructed and built other boat types, it was the Dragon that remained his greatest interest.
In the Dragons highlights time from 1948 to 1972, there were Olympic races, where the first 10-12 boats in the result list were build at Borresen in Vejle, and when the Dragon class was taken off the Olympic Games, it was BB, who led the Dragon into the fibreglass age, and it was his achievement that the Dragon got its great international come back in the early 80ties, where it became one of the worlds most known keelboats.
At the same time he participated actively in the races, and won both the Dragons Gold Cup and European Championship several times. Borge Borresen has the world record in participating in s Gold Cup with 51 times in a row.
In his young years he sailed with Thorkild Warrer, later he became the helmsman and he topped as a sailor in the age of 74, where he won the Dragon World Championship together with Jesper Bank.
No Dragon sailor will ever forget, when the Borresen truck with the Dragon arrived at international races all over Europe, how the sailors (customers) gathered around the truck like bees, to get spare parts, as they just were missing. And everybody got what they wanted. How BB got room for all these spare parts on his truck remains a puzzle.